The WebSupport Class

class sphinx.websupport.WebSupport

The main API class for the web support package. All interactions with the web support package should occur through this class.

The class takes the following keyword arguments:

The directory containing reStructuredText source files.
The directory that build data and static files should be placed in. This should be used when creating a WebSupport object that will be used to build data.
The directory that the web support data is in. This should be used when creating a WebSupport object that will be used to retrieve data.
This may contain either a string (e.g. ‘xapian’) referencing a built-in search adapter to use, or an instance of a subclass of BaseSearch.
This may contain either a string representing a database uri, or an instance of a subclass of StorageBackend. If this is not provided, a new sqlite database will be created.
A callable to be called when a new comment is added that is not displayed. It must accept one argument: a dictionary representing the comment that was added.
If static files are served from a location besides '/static', this should be a string with the name of that location (e.g. '/static_files').
If the documentation is not served from the base path of a URL, this should be a string specifying that path (e.g. 'docs').


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